Dominioni Punto & Pasta D320

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Dominioni Punto & Pasta D320

nhà sản xuất

Dominioni Punto & Pasta

Quốc gia


Mã sản phẩm


Mô tả

TORTELLONI (PELMENI) AND CAPPELLETTI FORMING MACHINE MOD. D320 Particularly indicated for the production of filled and stuffed pasta with meat filling; it can also process lean meat, ricotta cheese, and various kinds of cheese, pumpkin/squash as well as other fillings. It is indicated for industrial uses, for it can be washed and disassembled for perfect and through cleaning.A system of interchangeable dies enables the production of different sizes. Filling infeed is continuous and automatic. The machine is set up to adjust dough-sheet speed, according to the various sizes. The various functions are controlled by independent automatic speed variators, selflubricating, do not require any scheduled maintenance. Technical Data: Power kW 5 Hourly output Kg. 170/230 Dough-sheet width mm. 320 Equipped with: • an independent lamination unit, formed by a pair of rollers with adjustable thickness entirely made of stainless steel with external independent motors and driven by highly resistant tempered gears; • a filling infeed unit with washable metering screw; the filling unit is equipped with an external independent motor with the possibility to perform micrometric adjustments of filling quantities inside the product; • a unit purposely set to position and run the die, made of stainless steed drafting crossbars; • adjustable machine speed through an independent automatic speed variator; • function control panel; • electrical panel fully equipped with the relevant safety devices, designed and manufactured in compliance with EC Regulations; The machine structure and base are made of stainless steel. All parts in contact with dough-sheet and filling are entirely made of stainless steel and other non-toxic materials suitable for food products.

Còn hàng:

Theo yêu cầu

Giá bán: Theo yêu cầu


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Specifications D320

Trên trang web của FAMAGA, bạn có thể mua D320 và nhiều phụ tùng khác từ Dominioni Punto & Pasta với dịch vụ giao hàng trên khắp United States, bao gồm: Dublin. Để nhận bảng báo giá, thời gian giao hàng và các thông tin khác của sản phẩm Dominioni Punto & Pasta, vui lòng, điền vào mẫu đơn báo giá hoặc gửi mô tả về mặt hàng bạn cần đến email của chúng tôi [email protected]